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안녕하세요 3개국어 스터디를 만들려고 합니다. 그 첫걸음으로 Communication in Chinese라는 책으로 우선 중국어, 영어 스터디를 시작하려고 합니다. 관심이 있는 분들은 카톡으로 연락바랍니다. 카톡 아이디 : j..
Lesson 31: 旅行计划, Travel Plans
Lesson 32: 约会, Appointments
Lesson 33: 购物, Shopping
Lesson 34: 看电影/京剧, Watching a Movie/Peking Opera
Lesson 35: 理发, Haircuts
Lesson 36: 砍价, Price Haggling
Lesson 37: 量体裁衣, Tailor-made Clothing
Lesson 38: 体育运动, Sports
Lesson 39: 告别, Goodbye
Lesson 40: 复习, Review
目录 Contents
第三十一课 Lesson Thirty One 旅行计划 Travel Plans
[会话] [Dialogue] 旅行计划 Travel Plans
[文化背景知识] [Cultural Background] 在中国旅行 Travel in China
[语言点] [Language Points]
1. “都……还……”句型的用法 “都……还……” sentences
2. 连词“既然”的用法 Using the conjunction “既然”
第三十二课 Lesson Thirty Two 约会 Appointments
[会话] [Dialogue] 约会 Appointments
[文化背景知识] [Cultural Background] 人民大会堂 The Great Hall of the People
[语言点] [Language Points]
1. “在”字的用法 How to use the word “在”
2. “有”字句 “有” phrases
第三十三课 Lesson Thirty Three 购物 Shopping
[会话] [Dialogue] 购物 Shopping
[文化背景知识] [Cultural Background] 北京古玩城 Beijing Curio City
[语言点] [Language Points]
1. “不但……而且……”句型 “不但……而且……” sentences
2. “咱们”和“我们”的区别 The difference between “咱们” and “我们”
第三十四课 Lesson Thirty Four 看电影/京剧 Watching a Movie/Peking Opera
[会话] [Dialogue] 看电影/京剧 Watching a Movie/Peking Opera
[文化背景知识] [Cultural Background] 中国京剧 Chinese Peking Opera
[语言点] [Language Points]
1. “不能……还要……”句型 “不能……还要……” sentence structures
2. 转折词“不过”的用法 How to use the contrary conjunction “不过”
3. “最初、但是、才能”的用法 The use of words “最初、但是、才能”
4. “比如说”的用法 Using the phrase “比如说”
第三十五课 Lesson Thirty Five 理发 Haircuts
[会话] [Dialogue] 理发 Haircuts
[文化背景知识] [Cultural Background] 在中国理发 Chinese Hairdressing Salons
[语言点] [Language Points]
1. 副词“稍微”的含义 The meaning of adverb “稍微”
2. 动词“去”的表示法 Using the verb “去”
3. 副词“好像”的含义 The meaning of the adverb “好像”
4. 副词“片刻”的含义 The meaning of the adverb “片刻”
第三十六课 Lesson Thirty Six 砍价 Price Haggling
[会话] [Dialogue] 砍价 Price Haggling
[文化背景知识] [Cultural Background] 北京秀水街 Beijing Xiushui Street
[语言点] [Language Points]
1. “还”的含义 What “还” means
2. “离”的含义 Meanding of “离”
3. 动词的重叠 Using verbs in repetition
4. “多”的用法 The use of “多”
5. “再”字的用法 How to use the word “再”
第三十七课 Lesson Thirty Seven 量体裁衣 Tailor-made Clothing
[会话] [Dialogue] 量体裁衣 Tailor-made Clothing
[文化背景知识] [Cultural Background] 中华老字号——北京瑞福祥绸布店 China's Time-Honored Brand Beijing Ruifuxiang silk shop
[语言点] [Language Points]
1. 反问句“这不是……?” Rhetorical question “这不是……?”
2. 选择词“或”的用法 Using the word “或” to choose
第三十八课 Lesson Thirty Eight 体育运动 Sports
[会话] [Dialogue] 体育运动 Sports
[文化背景知识] [Cultural Background] 中国人与健身运动 Chinese and Sports
[语言点] [Language Points]
1. 副词“以后”的用法 How to use the adverb “以后”
2. 副词“差”的含义 Meaning of the adverb “差”
第三十九课 Lesson Thirty Nine 告别 Goodbye
[会话] [Dialogue] 告别 Goodbye
[文化背景知识] [Cultural Background] 告别的礼仪 The Etiquette of farewells in China
[语言点] [Language Points]
1. 选择句“要……还是……?” Sentence to present alternatives “要……还是……?”
2. 介词“向”的用法 Using the preposition “向”
3. “得”的含义 The meaning of “得”
4. “还以为”的含义 The meaning of “还以为”
第四十课 Lesson Fourty 复习 Review
[复习] [Review]
附录 Appendix
[总词汇表] [Vocabulary List]
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